Here are some graphics in the different planes in order to illustrate what have been discussed in the note “A study of the human gait cycle in order to design a biped robot”.
Figure 1: Hip, Knee and Angle angular positions during one gait cycle in the Sagittal plane (body pictures are coming from [2]).
Figure 2: Pelvic obliquity and shoulder girdle angular variations during one gait cycle in the Frontal plane (body pictures are coming from [1] and [2])
Figure 3: Pelvic and shoulder girdle angular variations during one gait cycle in the Horizontal plane (body pictures are coming from [2]).
[1] Ceccato Jean Charles, Mathieu de Sèze, Christine Azevedo and Jean-René Cazalets (2009) “Comparaison of trunk activity during gait initiation and walking in humans”, PLoS One:
[2] Plas F., Viel E., Blanc Y. (1979), “La marche humaine, Kinesiology dynamique, Biomécanique et Pathomécanique”, Paris Masson 2ième Edition.